Altavia ODG teamed up with DEPA Group and Stretch ME for a designer installation at Index Exhibition 2022 in Dubai

Detailed shot of designer installation in red

Altavia ODG teamed up with DEPA Group and Stretch ME for a designer installation at Index Exhibition 2022 in Dubai

Altavia ODG teamed up with DEPA Group and Stretch ME for a designer installation at Index Exhibition 2022 in Dubai 1024 676 Altavia.ODG

As designers, we tend to design journeys into the spaces we create, be they food and
beverage or retail. Each space has a story. Each created in a way that leads people to achieving an
end goal. Journeys may differ depending on the users end goal.

For the Index exhibition 2022, we undertook this project as a way to guide people on a journey. We
wanted to showcase a space that could lead people somewhere.
Somewhere being a state of mind.

Over the last few years, struggle and hardships have become a common theme in the world that we
live in. Since the onset of social media, these struggles are able to be shared with millions of people
on a daily basis. From wars and poverty, to pandemics and just the day to day slog that is life.
We wanted to create a space that allows people to undertake a journey into a space where one can
reflect on oneself. A moment to just step back and say: “I am here”. “I am good”. A moment to pat
oneself on the back. We all have struggles in our lives, and the majority of us find ways and means
to overcome these hardships. What is hard for you, might not even register for me. What is true is
that we all just keep on going and never take a moment for ourselves. We deserve these moments,
now more than ever.

We wanted our installation at Index to be a space that people can just take a minute and look at
themselves. Reflect. Remember. A minute to congratulate you. You’ve come this far. Well done!